Comparison of Push-Out Bond Strength of Two Bulk-Fill and One Conventional Composite to Intracanal Dentin in Severely Damaged Primary Anterior Teeth
Objectives: This study sought to compare the push-out bond strength of two bulk-fill and one conventional composite to intracanal dentin in primary anterior teeth.
Materials and Methods: This in vitro, experimental study was conducted on 39 primary anterior teeth, which were randomly divided into three groups. After cleaning and shaping, the root canals were filled with Metapex in such a way that after the application of 1mm light-cure liner on top of it, the coronal 3mm of the canal remained empty for composite post space. Z250 conventional composite was used in group 1 and SonicFill and Filtek bulk-fill composites along with Single Bond 2 were used in groups 2 and 3, respectively. The samples were subjected to thermocycling. One-millimeter thick sections were made of the mid-root and subjected to push-out bond strength test. Mode of failure was determined under a stereomicroscope at ×25 magnification. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA.
Results: The mean (±standard deviation) push-out bond strength was 11.40±4.23MPa, 10.94±6.69MPa and 8.79±4.12MPa in the conventional, SonicFill and Filtek groups, respectively. The difference in this regard among the three groups was not statistically significant (P=0.397).
Conclusions: Based on the results, bulk-fill composites, similar to conventional types, can be successfully used for the fabrication of composite intracanal posts in primary teeth to decrease the treatment time in children.
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Issue | Vol 13, No 3 (2016) | |
Section | Original Article | |
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Composite Resins Dentin Tooth Deciduous |
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