Publication Fees

Frontiers in Dentistry (FID) follows the open access publishing model meaning that all readers and interested parties will have immediate and unlimited access to the entire content of the Journal’s archive, free of charge. In order to provide researchers with freely available content, publication in this journal requires payment of an APC that will be billed to the corresponding author following acceptance for publication. These fees are used to cover the costs of providing and maintaining the publication infrastructure, managing the journal, and processing the manuscripts through peer-review and the editorial procedure. No submission charges, page charges, or color charges exist apart from the APC. The fees are demonstrated in the table below: 

Manuscript Type APC for Iranian authors APC for other Authors
Review Article 30,000,000 Rials Waived
Original Article 30,000,000 Rials Waived
Letter to Editor 20,000,000 Rials Waived
Editorial   Waived

Author should forward the receipt to the journal’s email at: as soon as possible to receive the final acceptance letter and to prevent any delay in the publication of the article.

 If the identification code is not included on the payment receipt submitted to the journal office, the payment will be declined, and the final acceptance letter for the article will not be provided.

- Waiver Policy

Frontiers in Dentistry offers a waiver of APC to authors on a case by case basis. If an article is accepted, the corresponding author may contact the journal through email to ask for a waiver and the request will be evaluated by the Editors.


There is NO submission fee for this journal.