Proceeding Abstracts

Gingival Status of Kidney Transplanted Patients Referred to Shariati General Hospital, Tehran


Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the level of gingival over-growth (GO) in patients with kidney transplant.

Materials and Methods: The target group of the study was the patients recently received kidney transplant and cyclosporine-A therapy. By a systematic case selection method, a total of 131 cases were included in the study, of whom 80 (61.6%) patients were male. The data was collected through interview with the patients as well as clinical assessment of their dental and periodontal indices. Gingival enlargement was recorded in terms of a 4-point scale from absence of enlargement to sever enlargement. Gilmore and Glickman plaque index was also recorded. Chi-square test served for statistical analysis.

Results: The mean dose of the drug received was 203 mg (SD=75), with 191 mg (SD=71)in females and 209 mg (SD=77) in male individuals. GO was found in one-third of the pa-tients receiving CSA. Incidence of GO was found to be roughly equal in upper and lower jaw with no significant difference (P>0.05). Gingival enlargement was also found to be more prominent at the anterior region. Difference between two age groups was statistically significant (P<0.05). No Statistically significant difference was found between groups tak-ing different doses of the drug.

Conclusion: Gingival overgrowth among the patients receiving kidney transplant and CSA therapy seems to vary according to such factors as age and gender, but not the dose of the drug taken.

IssueVol 5, No 4 (2008) QRcode
SectionProceeding Abstracts
Gingival Overgrowth Cyclosporine Kidney Transplantation Nifedipine Periodontal Index

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How to Cite
G. Ali Gholami, G. Ansari, K. Seyedan, H. Gholami. Gingival Status of Kidney Transplanted Patients Referred to Shariati General Hospital, Tehran. Front Dent. 1;5(4):137-141.