Comparative Evaluation of the Effect of Different Post and Core Materials on Stress Distribution in Radicular Dentin by Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis
Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the stress distribution of different post and core materials in radicular dentin by three-dimensional finite element analysis (3D FEA).
Materials and Methods: Twelve 3D models of a maxillary central incisor were simulated in the ANSYS 5.4 software program. The models were divided into three groups; the first group included: 1-Gold post and core and 2-Nickel-chromium (Ni-Cr) post and core restored with metal-ceramic restorations (MCRs). The second group included: 1-Stainless steel post, 2-Titanium post, 3-Carbon fiber post, 4-Glass fiber post, and 5-Quartz fiber post with composite cores and MCRs. The third group included: 1-Zirconia post and core, 2-Zirconia post, 3-Carbon fiber post, 4-Glass fiber post, and 5-Quartz fiber post; the last four models had composite cores restored with all-ceramic restorations (ACRs). Each specimen was subjected to a compressive load at a 45-degree angle relative to its longitudinal axis at a constant intensity of 100 N. The models were analyzed with regard to the stress distribution in dentin.
Results: Two stress concentration sites were detected in the models. The first group showed the lowest stress levels in the cervical region, while the stress levels detected in the second group were higher than those in the first group and lower than those found in the third group. Fiber-reinforced posts induced a higher stress concentration between the middle and cervical thirds of the root compared to other posts.
Conclusions: According to the results, since cast posts induce lower stresses in dentin, they are recommended for clinical use. Fiber-reinforced posts and ACRs caused the maximum stresses in dentin.
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Issue | Vol 15, No 2 (2018) | |
Section | Original Article | |
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Finite Element Analysis Post and Core Technique Dental Stress Analysis |
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