Proceeding Abstracts

Spontaneous Regeneration of the Mandible after Hemimandibulectomy: Report of a Case


Mandibular defects may result from many conditions such as trauma, inflammatory
diseases and tumors. There are rare cases reported in the literature that have demonstrated
spontaneous bone regeneration after resection of the mandible. Several
factors such as age, preservation of the periosteum and genetics seem to influence
spontaneous bone regeneration capacity in individuals. Evaluation of these factors
may lead to a better understanding of the mechanism of spontaneous bone regeneration
and also help to create new methods for bone reconstruction. The purpose of
this article was to describe the spontaneous regeneration of the hemi-mandible with
a well shaped condyle and coronoid after resecting a mandibular pathologic lesion
in a young man.

IssueVol 8, No 3 (2011) QRcode
SectionProceeding Abstracts
Bone Formation Spontaneous Mandibular Resection

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How to Cite
A. Khodayari, A. Khojasteh, MT. Kiani, A. Nayebi, L. Mehrdad, M. Vahdatinia. Spontaneous Regeneration of the Mandible after Hemimandibulectomy: Report of a Case. Front Dent. 1;8(3):152-156.