Correlation of Ora Test and Caries Assessment Spectrum and Treatment Index (CAST) to Evaluate Caries Activity in 5-to-8-Year-Old Children
Caries Activity Evaluation in 5-8-Year-Olds
Objectives: Dental caries is a common chronic disease amongst children and are typically evaluated using the DMFT/deft index (decayed, missing, and filled teeth for permanent dentition/decayed, extracted, and filled teeth for primary dentition). To address the limitations associated with these indices, alternative assessment tools such as the Caries Assessment Spectrum and Treatment (CAST) index and Ora test have been developed. These methods aim to estimate caries activity within the oral cavity more accurately. The objective of our study was to evaluate and correlate caries activity in 5-to-8-year-old children using Ora test and CAST index.
Materials and Methods: Thirty schoolchildren between the ages of 5 and 8 years were selected and allocated into two groups (n=15) with DMFT/deft scores of <5 (group A) and >5 (group B). Two separate blinded examiners administered the assessments by first determining CAST scoring, which was followed by Ora test. Statistical analysis was performed using Pearson correlation test and significance was set at P≤0.05.
Results: The mean time for color change of Ora test, was 118.53±23.28 minutes in group A and 53.33±15.07 minutes in group B. CAST severity scores were 3.67±2.08 and 15.7±9.70 for groups A and B, respectively. Time taken for color change in Ora test and CAST scores showed a significant negative linear relationship (P=0.039).
Conclusion: Based on the negative correlation between CAST scores and Ora test, it may be postulated that microbial activity is directly related to caries activity in 5-to-8-year-old children.
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Dental Caries Activity Tests Dental Caries Pediatric Dentistry |
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