Relationship of Maxillary Sinus Mucosal Thickening and Residual Alveolar Ridge Height: A CBCT Analysis
Objectives: Maxillary sinus pathological conditions, like thickening of the Schneiderian membrane, can influence the outcomes of augmentation procedures and implant treatment. The present study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the residual ridge height and maxillary sinus membrane thickening.
Materials and Methods: A total of 240 cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images of the maxillary sinus of 141 patients (62.1% males and 37.9% females, bilateral in 99 patients and unilateral in 42 patients) who were candidates for implant placement were evaluated. The CBCT scans were subsequently assessed for the following variables: residual ridge height, sinus membrane thickening at future implant(s) site(s), the ostium patency, and presence of periapical lesion adjacent to the edentulous area.
Results: The total prevalence of sinus membrane thickening (66.2%) was sub-classified as follows: flat in 53.7%, polypoid in 12.1%, and complete opacification in 0.4%. The prevalence of sinus membrane thickening was higher in male participants. It was revealed that age had no significant relationship with presence of a periapical lesion or sinus membrane thickening (P>0.05). Membrane thickening was detected in all sinuses with obstructed ostium. Reduced residual ridge height was significantly associated with higher sinus membrane thickening at the second premolar and first molar sites (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Maxillary sinus membrane thickening (mostly with flat appearance) is frequently observed on CBCT scans taken prior to augmentation and implant placement. This, in return, may trigger a reduction in ridge height.
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Issue | Vol 19 (Continuously Published Article-Based) | |
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Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Maxillary Sinus Mucous Membrane Alveolar Process |
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