Proceeding Abstracts

Covering the screw-access holes of implant restorations in the esthetic zone: a clinical report.


Screw-retained implant restorations have an advantage of predictable retention as well as retrievability, and obviate the risk of excessive sub-gingival cement commonly associated with cement retained implant restorations. Screw-retained restorations generally have screw access holes, which can compromise esthetics and weaken the porcelain around the holes. The purpose of this study is to describe the use of a separate overcasting crown design to cover the screw access hole of implant screw-retained prosthesis for improved esthetics.
IssueVol 11, No 6 (2014) QRcode
SectionProceeding Abstracts
Esthetic Fixed Prosthesis Implant

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How to Cite
Saboury A, Gooya A. Covering the screw-access holes of implant restorations in the esthetic zone: a clinical report. Front Dent. 1;11(6):715-20.