Original Article

Effect of Polishing and Universal Bonding Application on Mercury Release from Aged Amalgam after Exposure to Bleaching Agents


Objectives: Teeth bleaching is an accepted and modern treatment in cosmetic dentistry. Bleaching agents may affect amalgam restorations and increase mercury release; therefore, patients are at increased risk of mercury exposure in the body. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of polishing and universal bonding application on mercury release from aged amalgams exposed to bleaching.
Materials and Methods: In this in-vitro experimental study, 64 dental amalgam specimens with dimensions of 3×5×10 were prepared and divided into two experimental and control groups. Each group was further divided into 4 subgroups and received one of the following treatments: no intervention, surface bonding, polishing, or polishing and surface bonding. Subsequently, the samples were immersed in bleaching agent containing 7% hydrogen peroxide and the amount of mercury released after 96h was measured. The results were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc tests (α≤0.05).
Results: The results showed that the type of solution (P<0.05) and surface treatment (P<0.001) significantly affected the level of mercury release. However, there was no significant interaction between surface treatment methods in the bleaching group and those in the phosphate buffer group (P=0.621).
Conclusion: Bleaching agents were found to enhance mercury release from dental amalgam. The application of polishing and universal bonding on amalgam surfaces exhibited significant effects on the reduction of the mercury release.

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IssueVol 21 (Continuously Published Article-Based) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/fid.v21i14.15392
Dental Amalgam Dentin Bonding Agents Dental Polishing Mercury Tooth Bleaching

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How to Cite
Feiz A, Jafari SJ, Ghasemi M. Effect of Polishing and Universal Bonding Application on Mercury Release from Aged Amalgam after Exposure to Bleaching Agents. Front Dent. 2024;21:1-7.