Original Article

Oral Health Educational Intervention for Primary Healthcare Providers Using the Flipped Approach


Objectives: This study evaluated the effect of a flipped oral health educational program for primary healthcare providers (PHCPs) on their knowledge, attitude, and practice.

Materials and Methods: This field trial was conducted on PHCPs (N=118; 61 cases and 57 controls) in District Health Centers (DHCs) of Tehran, Iran in 2012. The participants filled out a self-report questionnaire with questions on knowledge (N=34), attitude (N=8), and oral health practice (N=14). The intervention included an educational booklet delivered to the staff followed by a brief educational session using the flipped approach and a reminder pamphlet after 1 month. After 4 months, the questionnaire was completed again by the participants. Statistical analysis included paired sample t-test, ANCOVA, and linear and logistic regression.

Results: Most participants were females (N=114), and the mean age was 37±8 years. The scores of the three domains of knowledge and also the total knowledge score, the attitude score, and the practice score significantly improved in the intervention group compared to the control group (P<0.001). Knowledge about the oral health of children (P=0.001) and the total knowledge score (P<0.05) significantly increased in the control group, but the increase in other domains was not statistically significant (P>0.05).

Conclusion: The oral health knowledge of PHCPs was insufficient, and their practice and attitude were not desirable. The oral health educational program with the flipped approach had a positive impact on the PHCPs’ knowledge, attitude and practice, and may be utilized in the academic curriculum or continuing medical education (CME) courses.

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DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/fid.v21i31.16193
Oral Health Education Health Personnel

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Bonabi M, Z Mohebbi S, Yazdani R, Rabiei S, Virtanen J. Oral Health Educational Intervention for Primary Healthcare Providers Using the Flipped Approach. Front Dent. 2024;21.