Proceeding Abstracts

An unusual bone loss around implants.


Pre-implant disease is an inflammatory process that affects the surrounding tissues of a functional osseointegrated implant. It is usually the result of a disequilibrium between the micro-flora and the defense system. This case reports a 57-year-old man with unusual bone loss around dental implants. This was an unusual case of peri-implantitis that occurred only in the implants on one side of the mouth although they were all unloaded implants.
IssueVol 10, No 4 (2013) QRcode
SectionProceeding Abstracts
Bone loss Implant Complication Periimplantitis

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How to Cite
Rokn AR, Sajedinejad N, Yousefyfakhr H, Badri S. An unusual bone loss around implants. Front Dent. 1;10(4):388-92.