Original Article

Repair Bond Strength of Composite to Zirconia Ceramic Using Two Types of Zirconia Primers


Objectives: This study aimed to assess the effect of application of two types of zirconia primers on repair bond strength of composite to zirconia ceramic.
Materials and Methods: In this in vitro, experimental study, 60 zirconia blocks were divided into five groups and subjected to the application of Z-Prime Plus (ZPP), Monobond Plus (MBP), Porcelain Bonding Resin (PBR), ZPP followed by PBR (ZPP+PBR) and MBP followed by PBR (MBP+PBR). They were then bonded to Z100 composite. The samples were then immersed in water at 37°C for 24 hours, thermocycled for 1000 cycles between 5-55°C and subjected to shear bond strength (SBS) test. The mode of failure was determined under a stereomicroscope and a scanning electron microscope (SEM).
Results: The mean bond strength was the highest in ZPP+PBR group followed by MBP+PBR, ZPP, PBR and MBP group (22.29±8.86, 15.75±2.81, 12.02±3.24, 3.60±2.92 and 2.92±1.78 MPa, respectively). The effects of type of zirconia primer and use/no use of PBR on SBS were significant (P<0.05). The frequency of adhesive failure in MBP and PBR groups was significantly higher than that in MBP+PBR and ZPP+PBR groups (P<0.05). The cohesive failure was significantly more frequent in ZPP+PBR group than in ZPP, MBP and PBR groups (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Simultaneous application of zirconia primer and PBR is the most efficient technique for repair of all-ceramic zirconia restorations with composite resin.

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IssueVol 16, No 5 (2019) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/fid.v16i5.2279
Composite Resins Zirconium Oxide Shear Strength

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How to Cite
Mahgoli H, Arshad M, Rasouli kamran, Sobati AA, Shamshiri AR. Repair Bond Strength of Composite to Zirconia Ceramic Using Two Types of Zirconia Primers. Front Dent. 2020;16(5):342-350.

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