Original Article

Prevalence of Ocular Complications in Patients with Zygomatic Bone Fractures in an Iranian Population


Objectives: Damages to the middle third of the facial bone generally involve the orbital skeleton and can lead to eye impairment. In this study, it is attempted to determine the incidence of ophthalmic injuries in maxillofacial trauma with zygomatic bone fractures.
Materials and Methods: One hundred and fifteen cases with ophthalmic (ocular) involvement after maxillofacial trauma were referred to the Shariati Hospital, Tehran, Iran, and were visited at the Ophthalmology Department between 2016 and 2018. Zygomatic fractures and resulting ocular complications were evaluated in 87 males and 28 females with the mean ages of 26 and 32 years, respectively.
Results: Subconjunctival ecchymosis was detected in 23.07% of men and 21.05% of women. Displacement of the palpebral fissure was detected in 26.5% of men and 27.6% of women. Furthermore, the unequal pupillary level was observed in 18.37% of men and 15.78% of women. Diplopia was detected in 8.9% of men and 10.5% of women. Additionally, enophthalmos was observed in 23.1% of men and 25% of women.
Conclusion: The most common ocular presentations in midfacial trauma are diplopia and reduced visual acuity. Even after the operation, a significant number of patients experience poor vision and diplopia. Ophthalmology consultation is essential for these patients. 

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IssueVol 17 (Continuously Published Article-Based) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/fid.v17i9.4127
Zygomatic Fractures Diplopia Enophthalmos Subconjunctival Ecchymosis

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How to Cite
Mahmood Hashemi H, Karimi Avval S. Prevalence of Ocular Complications in Patients with Zygomatic Bone Fractures in an Iranian Population. Front Dent. 2020;17.