Short Communication

Overcoming the Challenges of COVID-19 Pandemic in Orthodontic Practice


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) turned into a pandemic in short-time with multi-dimensional effects on human lives. The containment of this infection has become a big challenge in all countries due to its rapid spread. In this situation, when there is no definitive cure or any vaccine available to overcome COVID-19, it is prudent for the world to live with this deadly virus for the many months to come. Hence, it is imperative for the dental professionals, particularly orthodontists, to modify their approach to learn the new normal of practicing dentistry.

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IssueVol 17 (Continuously Published Article-Based) QRcode
SectionShort Communication
COVID-19 Pandemics Orthodontics Dentists

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How to Cite
Jain M, Patel D. Overcoming the Challenges of COVID-19 Pandemic in Orthodontic Practice. Front Dent. 2020;17.