Original Article

Designing a tool to assess professionalism among dental students in clinical departments of dental school and its psychometric analysis


Objectives: Professionalism is essential to a strong trusted patient-doctor relationship, which is believed, could lead to more patient compliance and treatment outcomes. The purpose of our study was the development and psychometric analysis of an assessment tool for the professional behavior of dental students.
Materials and Methods: The study was done in the School of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences. After providing a pool of various criteria to assess professionalism, an expert panel prepared the primary version of the tool. The tool was set in a questionnaire frame to explore the significance level and evaluation feasibility of each criterion. The questionnaire was completed by tutors of the “Medical Ethics” course (N=6). After necessary revisions, in order to evaluate face and content validity, the checklist was given to eight experienced dental educators to determine the relevance, clarity and simplicity of the questions. At the second stage, the final checklist with 37 items was given to dental educators to evaluate twenty students. To assess the reliability of this checklist, at least two professors evaluated each student and the weighted-  was calculated. Minor revisions were done according to feedbacks.
Results: According to the obtained data, the total validity of the tool (S-CVI) was 100%. In all items, except just for one item, the weighted-  was greater than or equal to 0.5, showing sufficient reliability of these items.
Conclusion: The designed tool to evaluate the professionalism among dental students in different clinical departments seems to be both valid and reliable.

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SectionOriginal Article
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/fid.v20i21.12973
Professionalism Education, Dental Educational Measurement Validation Study Dentistry

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How to Cite
Khami M, Baghizadeh Fini M, Kim S, Razeghi S, Sadighpour L, Dehghani Tafti S. Designing a tool to assess professionalism among dental students in clinical departments of dental school and its psychometric analysis. Front Dent. 2023;20.

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