Original Article

Effect of Hydrothermal, Chemical, and Mechanical Degradation on Flexural Strength and Phase Transformation of Ground, Glazed, and Polished Zirconia

Effect of degradation on zirconia


Objectives: Evaluation of the effect of grinding on flexural strength of zirconia after low temperature degradation (LTD) and pH-cycling.
Materials and Methods: Sixty-four bar-shaped specimens of yttria-stabilized tetragonal polycrystalline zirconia were milled, sintered, wet-polished, and divided into 8 groups (N=8). The four control groups were not aged while artificial aging was performed in the 4 experimental groups in three steps including  LTD in steam for 40h, pH-cycling, and tooth brushing for artificial aging. All groups underwent surface preparations as follows: standard polishing without surface treatment (Sp), grinding with a blue-yellow band diamond instrument (Gr); grinding with a diamond rotary instrument (DRI) and then over-glazing (Gl); grinding with a DRI followed by two-step intraoral polishing (Po); standard polishing and aging (Sp-Ag); grinding and aging (Gr-Ag), grinding, over-glazing and aging (Gl-Ag); and grinding, polishing and aging (Po-Ag). Monoclinic content was assessed in one specimen of each group by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The 3-point flexural strength test was performed in a universal testing machine. The results were analyzed with two-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test (α=0.05).
Results: Mean flexural strength (Mpa) was significantly higher in groups Gr and Po compared to group Sp (both, P<0.0001) and group Gl (both, P<0.0001). In XRD analyses, the highest monoclinic phase before aging was observed in group Gr (12.6%), and after aging in group Gr-Ag (51.2%).
Conclusion: Grinding and polishing increased the flexural strength, while glazing did not exhibit any significant effect on this parameter.  Furthermore, aging did not adversely affect flexural strength.

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DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/fid.v21i16.15483
Zirconium Aging Dental Polishing

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Sarabi N, Mohammadi-Bassir M, Fadavi F, Rezvani MB, Dehestani-Ardakani F, Labbaf H. Effect of Hydrothermal, Chemical, and Mechanical Degradation on Flexural Strength and Phase Transformation of Ground, Glazed, and Polished Zirconia. Front Dent. 2024;21:1-8.