Case Report

A Variant of the Current Dens Invaginatus Classification


Endodontic treatment of maxillary incisors may be considered straight forward. However, in some instances, they may exhibit aberrant morphology. One of these rare variations in tooth morphology is dens invaginatus. To improve the endodontic prognosis of such teeth, a detailed evaluation of the tooth under treatment is important, which requires comprehensive clinical and radiographic examinations, including periapical radiography and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), which is highly recommended whenever atypical root canal morphology is suspected on a periapical radiograph. The current case report discusses the diagnosis of type IV dens invaginatus in a maxillary lateral incisor using CBCT.

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IssueVol 17 (Continuously Published Article-Based) QRcode
SectionCase Report
Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Dens in Dente Maxilla Incisor Root Canals Anatomy

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How to Cite
Gul M, Adnan S, Umer F. A Variant of the Current Dens Invaginatus Classification. Front Dent. 2020;17.