Case Report

Oral Rehabilitation in Irradiated Patients: Implant- or Tooth-Supported Fixed Prosthesis? A Clinical Report


Cranial radiotherapy has several side effects. One of the most important complications is radiation caries that endangers the treatment prognosis. In the literature, the use of crowns and bridges for irradiated patients has been suggested as a contraindication. In addition, due to the risk of osteoradionecrosis (ORN), there are doubts about tooth extraction and implant placement. Here, we present a treatment sequence and recalls for an irradiated young patient. For irradiated patients, it is recommended to replace teeth with implants when there is no possibility for supragingival prosthetic margin.

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IssueVol 16, No 4 (2019) QRcode
SectionCase Report
Cranial Irradiation Osteoradionecrosis Dental Implants Dental Caries

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How to Cite
Allahyari S. Oral Rehabilitation in Irradiated Patients: Implant- or Tooth-Supported Fixed Prosthesis? A Clinical Report. Front Dent. 2019;16(4):319-324.