Original Article

Comparison of the physical properties of three resin-based root canal sealers: An in-vitro study


This in-vitro study aimed to evaluate the physical properties of three resin-based root canal sealers (BETA RCS, AH26, and Adseal) in terms of flow and film thickness as per ISO 6876/2012. The results revealed that the flow values of BETA RCS, Adseal, and AH26 sealers were 23.06±1.58, 22.5±4.23, and 21.85±1.71, respectively. Moreover, film thickness values for BETA RCS, Adseal, and AH26 sealers were 52.33±2.51, 18.66±0.57, and 52±2, respectively. No significant difference was observed regarding film thickness between AH26 and BETA RCS sealers (P>0.05), while Adseal showed better result in terms of film thickness than other sealers (P˂0.05). The highest solubility was related to BETA RCS (0.6%), and the lowest to Adseal (0.07%). However, all sealers had acceptable solubility and radiopacity. The findings of the current study suggested that all tested root canal sealers had similar properties based on ISO 6876 standard criteria.

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SectionOriginal Article
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/fid.v20i34.13651
Epoxy Resin-Based Root Canal Sealer Solubility Root Canal Filling Material

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How to Cite
Sarraf P, Ghabraei S, Mohammadi Z, Noori F, Chitsaz N. Comparison of the physical properties of three resin-based root canal sealers: An in-vitro study. Front Dent. 2023;20:1-5.